About us

Frequently asked questions

Is there something left unanswered? Do you need more guidance with our service? You’ve come to the right place! If you don’t find answers to your questions here, you’ll reach our team through email at gigs-support@gofore.com

Gofore Gigs is a platform for companies, talent hubs and freelancers to get access to Gofore’s projects. Suggest yourself or your experts to our customer need, and start partnering with us!

After you have offered your expert, the offer with the expert’s name, CV, description and price proposal will be transfered to Gofore’s resourcing system. From there, the expert offer can only be seen by Goforeans with appropriate credentials, which are mainly people involved with sales and resourcing.

Company’s basic information can be edited through dashboard, under the “company and users” section. Information can be edited by any user within the company account.

With any problems, you can always contact our support team. You’ll find our contact information here.

Well that’s easy! You’ll get to participate in our Partner Ecosysem by using Gofore Gigs and offering candidates. In return, we might contact you at some point, if we think you’d have suitable candidates.

Any user with the access to your company account is allowed to offer experts. All offers can be found on dashboard, under the “My gigs” section.

After sending out your offer, it will be transferred to Gofore’s resourcing system with other offers submitted for that gig in question. From there, our resourcing people will do their magic, and evaluate your expert or experts. We wish to let you know as soon as possible, if your candidate is eligible for offer stage.

Users can be deleted through the dashboard, under the “company and users” section. Any user can delete other users from the company account. We will let the deleted person know their account has been suspended by email.

At this moment there is possibility to attach only one file for an expert. If you want, you could always include a link to the portfolio in the CV itself, or in the "sales pitch" field.

You’ll find the gig related contact information through the gig page, if you have signed in. If you have questions concerning the status of your expert offer, you can also check that through the dashboard, under “My gigs” section.

We will be in touch with you shortly with more information! Usually at this stage our customer responsible will take over and settle all the nitty gritty details with our customer.

Contact our support, and we’ll help you with that. You’ll find our contact information here.

You can deactivate the invitation instantly, by deleting it on your company’s dashboard. After deleted, the invitation can’t be used.